Website translations
Your website is your business’ on-line identity; your chance to be found by your ideal customers on the net. It is the result of a strategy that you have studied in detail to market your products or services and to consolidate your brand. The tone of your voice reveals who you are and also who your audience is.
These may seem obvious, yet they are crucial elements to take into account when translating a web page. It is of utmost importance to never lose sight of the pillars on which the brand is built, the audience and the goal of a website if we’d like the content to convert also in another language.
The brand’s communication strategy must also be reflected in the website’s translated version, to ensure that the emotional link between the brand and your customers clearly calls out to them. It is often the result of a creative process: on-line content catchphrases are carefully analysed, their communicative intention is extrapolated, and ideas are left to incubate. Then a solution is formed that can convey the same message with the same force but in a way that can be used by users who speak another language.